Yoga Has Nothing To do With Any Religion

|| Yoga Has Nothing To do With Any Religion ||

Yoga Has Nothing To do With Any Religion
Yoga Has Nothing To do With Any Religion

Yoga has nothing to do with Islam, Hinduism, Jainism or any other religion. But Jesus or Muhammad, or Zarathustra or Buddha or Mahavira or anyone who has realised the truth, has not realised it without passing through Yoga. Except for yoga, there is no way for life to rise to the state of inner paradise. The so called religions are nothing but belief systems. Yoga is systematic methodology of scientific experiments done in the search for the truth of life, and not for belief systems.

Hence the first thing I would like to say to you is that yoga is a science, not a belief. To experiment with yoga superstitious belief of any kind is not needed. An atheist can enter into its experiments as much a theist can. Yoga does not bother whether you are an atheists or a theist.

Science does not depend on your concepts. On the contrary you have to change your concepts because of science. Science does not expect you to have any kind of prior reasoning or any accepted beliefs, it only excepts you to experiment. Science says, do and see. Since scientific truths are real truths, they do not need any faith whatsoever. Two and two make four, it is not an assumption. And if someone does not accept it, he will be in trouble himself –it is not that the truth of two and two making four will be in trouble.

Science does not begin with assumptions, it begins with investigations, it begins with search, quest and investigation. Hence all that is required is the capability to experiment is needed; only courage to search is needed, nothing else.

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